Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Busy day preparing for the Belfast Public Library show!

Hi this is fire ball here and i want to tell you about what we did today at water fall arts .

So the rest of us who were starting our silhouette last time were painting them today. Then we had to pick what sentence inspired  us and make our own poster with it .

- fire ball 

A note from Bridget: This month BRIDGE is having an art preview at the Belfast Public Library!
The walls of the young adult section and second floor are waiting for some artwork, and there's a LOT of wall space... the smaller work we've done just wouldn't cut it. In a way only young artists can, these guys filled the frames I got for them by cranking out some truly inspired and inspiring artwork - in two hours. I read about a dozen great quotes about art and creativity I found online, and each artist chose one that spoke to them. We looked at some examples of illustrated quotes and again the artists looked for use of media that fit their style. A ton of options, some tips, and whatever materials they needed, the rest was all pure creativity and troubleshooting. What I'm most proud of is that not only did they enthusiastically take on the challenge of a large-scale work with little direction, but that once they had their quote, they were INCREDIBLY focused on their vision and their work - so much so that it wasn't until they were finished that they looked up to see what others had done - just a couple of feet away at the same table. I love that. Each piece is SO different - I really hope you'll drop by the library and check it out! Let us know what you think!

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